C3PO – Content Profiling Tool for Preservation Analysis

If you are responsible for a digital collection of material you are probably aware of what file formats are in it, but do you know, for example, the exact number of different versions of formats, or pdfs with more than 100 pages, or embedded videos and images, or files that are encrypted? C3PO can help you get a better understanding of your collection with in-depth analysis and visualisation of your content, divided in homogeneous sets based on their characteristics with the ability through the user interface to filter and explore the information further.

C3PO – ‘Clever, Crafty, Content Profiling of Objects’ is a software tool, which uses metadata extracted from the files of a digital collection to generate a profile of that collection. The tool transforms the data for fast and scalable analysis and stores it, then post-processing solves issues like conflict resolution and provides a machine-readable overview, and a web interface enables the user to filter and explore any part of the data further.


What is C3PO?

C3PO analyses characterisation metadata for digital collections and

  • aggregates and combines the metadata information across collections
  • generates a profile of the content set
  • allows use of different metadata formats

C3PO’s Command Line Interface processes and stores data while a web application offers visualisation, filtering, export of data and more.

What are the benefits?

  • In-depth knowledge of your files
  • Scalability – analyse large amounts of data quickly
  • Visualisation of metadata characteristics
  • Easy integration with Plato for preservation planning
  • Easy integration with Scout for monitoring preservation risks.

More information: www.scape-project.eu/tools