Registration open for the first SCAPE training event

Registration is now open for the first SCAPE Project training event “Keeping Control: Scalable Preservation Environments for Identification and Characterisation”.

This first SCAPE training event will take place on 6-7 December 2012 in Guimarães, Portugal. The event is being held at the Archaeological Museum of the Martins Sarmento Society (Museu Arqueológico Martins Sarmento) in collaboration with the European Capital of Culture 2012.

The training course is focused on file format identification,  one of the biggest initial challenges to digital preservation. While there has been a lot of work in this area, the ever changing nature of digital formats realistically means the problem will never be “solved”. This event will give you the knowledge and experience to confidently choose file formation identification and characterisation tools, which have been developed or extended during the SCAPE project. As well as introducing you to a range of tools and their capabilities, you will learn about integrating tools into your own scalable systems and workflows, drawing on the expertise of the SCAPE trainers.

Registration is now possible through

More information on the event is also available from the event page.

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